Every patient receives a thorough pre-anesthetic exam to evaluate anesthesia risk. Pre-anesthetic blood testing helps identify hidden medical problems that may indicate a change in the anesthesia protocol, or possibly postponing the procedure. IV catheters are placed after application or a topical numbing cream so that multiple injectable medications can be used without multiple skin penetrations. IV fluids are administered to help maintain adequate blood flow to vital organs during anesthesia. The fluid line can be warmed to help provide heat support to patients if needed. All patients are intubated to protect and support the airways and insure adequate ventilation under anesthesia.
Each patient has a technician dedicated to full time anesthesia monitoring and support using both manual and instrumentational monitors of all vital signs, including oxygenation, ventilation, blood pressure, ECG, heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature. Everything is recorded in a detailed anesthesia log. Heat support, if needed, can include warm towels, forced warm air blankets, and a heated fluid line. All surgical instruments are cleaned then sterilized by autoclave between every patient. Post operative monitoring is continued, including regular evaluation of vital signs and pain assessment until the patient is fully recovered.